
Joe Bain

1928 – 2011

Master at Stowe 1954 – 1973 

Winchester Don 1974 – 1988

Invitation to a Celebration

As teacher and friend Joe Bain enlarged mental horizons and fostered lifelong enthusiasms. He was also one of the funniest men most of us who knew him have met, infesting earnest topics with laughter, half inspiring mentor, half Lord of Misrule, a cherished ingredient in our lives. This site celebrates him with tributes and memories, with some of his own words, photographs of him and of the primitif paintings with which he solaced his old age. If you too knew him, and have memories to share – of a teacher, friend, drama-director or in any other guise – please join us here, and I shall include on the site all that space allows of your stories or images.

Peter Yapp


The Book of Bain: Verses, Orations and Essays, edited by Justin Wintle for Plumbago Books and Arts, London, is now available. Most of the occasional verses – limericks, clerihews, elegies, tributes, translations and party pieces – which reflect Joe’s sparkle and mischief will be found there – and later, perhaps, here too. (Click on the link above for more information and details of how to obtain a copy.)


With thanks to Priscilla Bain, Christopher and Justin Wintle, Sam Yapp, David Phillips, Norbert Biba, and all who have so enthusiastically agreed to participate here.