The Book of Bain


Joe Bain


Verses, Orations and Essays

Edited by Justin Wintle

Old Stoics and Wykehamists alike will remember Joe Bain (1928-2011) as an exceptional and inspirational teacher of English, German and French, first at Stowe (1954-73), then at Winchester College (1974-1988). At both schools he was a dominant figure who contributed hugely to the production of plays and later opera.  A pianist from childhood, he took up painting after retiring to his native Wales. Betwixt and between he wrote poetry, and when he could be persuaded, prose for publication. 

Privately published (in paperback) by Plumbago Books and Arts, edited with a Foreword  by Justin Wintle, and illustrated with photographs of Joe at different moments of his life, The Book of Bain is a collection of his writings: playful limericks and crafty clerihews, other shorter verses along with a handful of fine translations, thoughtful homilies to some of his Stowe colleagues, lively, festive orations delivered at Winchester, and a group of five perceptive literary essays on Robert Browning, A.E.Housman, Louis MacNeice, Edmond Rostand and W.B. Yeats. 

The Book of Bain, an 80-page treasure, is offered to Old Stoics and Wykehamists and others at the cost price of £7.95 per copy including p&p (except overseas). It can be ordered from The Book of Bain, 47 Ashburnham Mansions, Ashburnham Road, LONDON SW10 0PB. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Book of Bain’. Email enquiries can be sent to